Another Man of Gadarenes

My Christography - My life seen through the eyes of Jesus.


I desire to God's truth through song and poetry. Check out my website at

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Chapter 1

Watched From The Beginning

I would like to start John's story from his birth and the family I had ordained him to be with. His father, Jim, was one of mine with a faith that began in his early twenties. He was a man that sought righteousness and justice. He would suffer from his own trial of faith in his early thirties. He nearly died because of complication of stomach problems. His weight would drop over 100 pounds. An entire year would be a hardship being near death.
John's father was very active in church, but I would lead him to know how important his family's needs were. Compassion and giving would be the legacy his life would be built upon. John's mother, Amy, had a simple faith that began in her early childhood years. She equated being in church as a vital part of what a Christian does. My Amy and Jim grew in the same church almost from their beginning. Their church was The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), which they were apart of for over 50 years.
John's sisters are also very special to me. John’s oldest sister, Susan, always loved children. John's first words would be translated by his sister to Mom and Dad. Susan's mothering skills began at an early age. She loved to care for her siblings. Debbie was a good-natured child. Debbie was easy going and loved to meet the needs of others Going through high school and college with near perfect grades would highlight Deb’s future. When last child in the family was due John wanted it to be a little brother. The word from the hospital was it's a girl. John was upset for a little while. When it came time for Amy and baby Cindy to come home. Little sister Cindy was not ready. John was extremely disappointed when Cindy did not come home with mom. Cindy's condition was not serious and she was soon released shortly. Cindy's story plays an important part of an unfolding mystery.

There was a secret that would not be revealed until I allowed one of the greatest heartaches a family could face. My family would be tried in many ways. John would be the center of their struggle of faith. This secret would ripple through my chosen family.


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