Chapter 3
Women, My Unique Creation
John’s relationship and friendship with girls didn’t blossom until he was eighteen years of age. He started combing his hair differently and went without his glasses as much as possible. His first relationship came when he visited his sister at college. His new friend was also visiting family at college. They connected right away. She was a little younger than John, but old enough for a good friendship type relationship. Friendship with a girl was an answer to one of John’s dreams. He had to pinch himself that he truly had a female companion. John enjoyed a long distance relationship with this friend he had met at college. She would even visit him a couple of years later.
Another dating relationship that would last more than a year and a friendship with her family that would last unto this day. The friendship began on the Memorial Day before John’s high school graduation. John was with the old Man and the Kid at the local beach. John was growing in confidence in relating to girls. This relationship began as John introduced himself to this pretty girl. John thought she looked like the sister of a fellow classmate. John introduced himself with inquiry whether this was true. She told John that she was from the local town of Solon. After a few minutes of getting to know her, John asked out for a date and she accepted. John would have to break the date because it was his graduation night. The sad and bad thing about this relationship was part of it centered around the bar life. John was becoming more and more accustomed to this lifestyle. Strangely enough there was a spiritual side of this relationship. John still had his church relationship, while his new friend came from a Catholic background. They would joke about how John would be a priest and his girlfriend could be a nun. For innocence and purity sake the relationship did not go beyond a kiss.
As John sought me he was open to truth. At Christmas time, John invited his friend to his parents’ church service. Before they got to the services, John read St. Luke’s account about how I came to earth as a baby. John did not know the full reason I came to the earth, but he was not rejecting me either. John would find out later that his friend thought him to be very religious. Although on a religious path, a relationship of faith towards me was still ahead.
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