Chapter 10
The Trial of Three Fathers
A lot of the time directly following John’s breakdown focused on John’s father. John had finally been able to sleep with the help of medication. John’s mother had to find a psychiatrist to let John stay in the hospital. John’s grandfather woke up joking a little about what happened until he looked in the mirror. John’s dad would leave Des Moines to go home. John’s dad and three sisters would have a shadowed meeting as John’s dad cried relating the horrible thing that had happened. John’s mother felt this was the worst thing she had ever experienced. There would be a fear towards John for many years.
A side note: John’s dad read out of the book that had manipulated John and found a weird feeling as well as nightmares surrounding what he read.
Grandpa Brobst was in the hospital for a few days then released. John was able to find a way to rest. He did not need to worry about everyday life and could sense recovery. Immediate pressure of school and usual way of life were let go. John did not know the exact condition of his grandfather. That condition was a trial yet to be faced.
A week later, John’s dad returned to Des Moines in a terrible snowstorm. Just like John’s dad’s painful storm of life, he faced a real storm that could have cost him his life. A car ahead of him was off the side of the road teetering on a ledge. If John’s dad put on the breaks he too would go over the ledge.
My Heavenly Father was caring for these storms. As John’s dad reached John’s grandparent’s house, Grandpa Brobst sat down in a chair and started feeling a rupture. John’s dad and uncle realizing something was wrong carried grandpa immediately to the car. John’s grandpa’s spleen had ruptured. By God’s grace an expert surgeon was there and he speedily stopped the bleeding.
John’s dad was facing the worst possible situation, the earthly loss of his own father and the commitment of his son. My Heavenly Father would intervene through the prayers of John’s family. John’s father would feel drained, helpless, and his heart was racing. My Father would lead John’s dad to an empty room to pray. John’s dad was also experiencing feelings of death. His strength would come from My Father. My Father answered all the prayers that weekend. Grandpa Brobst lived for many more years following. John and Grandpa Brobst were even reunited in a loving way. John gave grandpa a comforting touch just before grandpa went home to My Father and I. My John would be indebted to older people as a ministry after this.
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