Another Man of Gadarenes

My Christography - My life seen through the eyes of Jesus.


I desire to God's truth through song and poetry. Check out my website at

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

An Added Trial

There was an added dimension to John's trial. It surrounded John's parents. John needed all my strength to stand. John's mother had recently spent in a Rehab center recovering from surgery complications. John and his father worked hard to support her. The trial turned even worse. John's father began having problems with his bowels. For a week and a half he could not handle anything harder to digest then soup. Every night John wondered if his dad would make it through another night. John and others were in constant prayer. Three days before the trial met it's height, John feared for his father's life. A verse I had given him was about how I am faithful, even when My children are faithless. John's thoughts were full of great fear.
Two days before the fullness, John was at work, his worry and fears were making him feel weak, almost to the point of fainting from anxiety. John was able to get alone with Me, asking for strength if I was there. Immediately, I gave John verses of hope. “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings of eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. Wait I say on the Lord, again I say wait. Come unto Me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am lowly in heart and I will give you rest.” John once again rested on my word. This was needed, because of what his family would face. John stayed with his parents that night just in case his father's suffering got worse. Dad was still not eating and his bowels were a source of concern. The next day John went to the doctor with his dad. The doctor was not overly concerned and ordered a laxative. A greater trial began for John’s dad as he started the process of trying to work through his situation. For eleven hours he struggled to find relief. About ten-thirty John's father was exhausted from hours of strain. John's father passed out and fell forward. Almost immediately the defibulator shocked his heart.
The ambulance and police came very quickly. John needed My strength to be there for his father. John was able to be in the ambulance with his dad. After getting to the emergency room, John went to his father's room. His dad was afraid that if he went to sleep, he would not wake up. John talked to him about how dying was just like a shadow that passes by. As a believer it can't hurt you. John was praying that his dad would not die. John told his dad that if he fell asleep, remember you are going to wake up with us. As John held his hand the defribulator went off again. It was just like the paddles that emergency people use. Both John and his father were afraid of more shocks.
John started to sing some of his songs.

It's enough to know God loves you,
It's enough to know He cares.

It's enough to know God loves you,
It's enough to know He cares.

That's why he came and died,
And rose again.

Oh, I believe in promises,
I believe in Truth.
I believe in the love of Jesus,
and life for me and you.

Oh I believe in promises,
I believe in Truth,
I believe in the love of Jesus,
and His life in me and you.

I was there hearing the prayers of so many that cared about John's dad. His Dad's pastor came as fast as he could. There was a time that John's dad went for x-rays and was being taken to intensive care. John wondered if he would see his dad alive again. The enemy was telling John that his prayers were not helping, but hindering. John fought through those thoughts and prayed with more intensity. John prayed "God if we do lose him, I will not be bitter, but Lord please pull him through this." John's dad returned shortly from testing. John's mother had arrived earlier with the fire department. Truly there was much concern. My presence was with all of them. The doctor determined that John's dad lacked potassium. The defibulator was not needed again.
I'd like to share a poem that John wrote around this time.

Where The Answers Found

As trials come,

Our faith may fail.
What is the answer that shall prevail?

Will we battle through our own understanding?
Will we plead for the Victory?

Will we rest with the fact we are doing our best.
The answer lies when our faith comes alive.

A simple answer will always provide.
A gift of grace will always abide.

Lord upon our lips.
Changes night to day,
As hope is here to stay.

As by faith we enter in,
As by grace we find our friend.

A gift is given and received.
As thank-you,
Testifies we believe


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