Another Man of Gadarenes

My Christography - My life seen through the eyes of Jesus.


I desire to God's truth through song and poetry. Check out my website at

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Chapter 15

Whosoever Calls Upon The Name of The Lord

After John spending several weeks in the hospital, John dropped out of college again. A new medication was available and John found he had a greater ability to handle some of his thoughts. However, the battle was far from over.
The next important event in John’s life came when John visited his sister in Ames, Iowa. Sister Susan was involved with a Christian group at Iowa State. Susan was led to the Lord by friends in this group. John’s visit brought a desire to stay and grow with this group. John quickly found a job and shared a two bedroom apartment with his sister. John began to have a great hunger for the God’s Word. John read the whole New Testament in a week’s time. The teaching of the group was impacting John’s life. John was facing some of the lies from the occult teachings. The Enemy was still hard at work during this time. After a prayer service John came to his sister’s apartment excited about Me. Laying down for sleep the voice from years before visited John again. This voice was just as devastating as the first time. The voice asked John if he would do anything for God. John replied he would do anything for God. The Deceiver had a plan that would crush John. The delusion the Enemy was about to place in John would be one of the Enemy’s best strongholds on John. The voice said, “Would you be the Anti-Christ for God?” John thought about this for a little while. However, John did not understand that this was not a question I would ask.
John said , “Yes he would do anything for God.” Once again the feeling of an adrenaline rush and other sensations came over John as he agreed to be the Anti-Christ. The Enemy had won a crucial battle for John’s mind. The new delusion would lead John back into the hospital. The following events would be as devastating as the onset of his condition.
John with his Bible study friends was reading the final chapter of Revelation. John was reading out loud and ended with not adding or taking away a word from this Book. As he finished reading he had a delusion, the need to speak forward and backwards.
At this point, John then had a delusion, “In My Father’s house are many rooms.” John thought maybe this was referring to the Psych ward in the hospital and he ran about 2 miles to get to the nearest hospital. When John got there they placed him in a room. John’s parents had been called and within an hour or two were at the hospital. John was now fixated on his eyes and his blind spot that had been created by the sun. John decided he would not open his eyes until he saw Jesus. John’s dad came and his compassion led John to open his eyes as John saw Jesus in his father.
There were no rooms available at the Ames hospital. A decision was made to go to Cedar Falls. John’s delusional thinking became more and more intense. He continued to talk forwards and backwards. Another delusion came on the way to the hospital. The weather was very cold at the time. John feared that the car would get involved in an accident. He thought if he kept his foot out the window time and space would be changed to keep them safe.
When John reached the hospital, he quickly got out of the car and ran to the entrance. He pushed the buzzer and policeman came to the door. John had the thought that he had come to heal. He then thought he would appear to be a doctor if he was not clothed.

I am telling John’s story to provide hope for those who experience a similiar struggle. There is hope for My children. It comes through Me and yet sometimes medicine needs to be used. Medicine is never the complete answer, but it can be a tool to help work through various strongholds.

As John entered the lobby the policeman tackled him. The officer asked John’s father to take his gun not knowing what John was doing. They then lead John to a table and covered him with a sheet. John was asked some questions. John continued to talk backwards and forward. One question plagued John. What church did John belong to? John gave no answer. That question brought John to complete despair. After questioning, John was put into a little room. John found himself alone with one overhead light. At this time John was reading about how demons work, written by a famous Christian writer. John found himself in a hell like situation. He thought tthe hospital would catch fire. He also thought that everyone in the hospital were demons that would come to gnaw on him. A fire would burn and John would be left there. At one point, a nurse came in and John screamed. As morning came, John settled down a little when a kind nurse came in and comforted John.
John began to cry out to God. He thought that he had lost his chance for salvation by not answering the church he was apart of. This thinking lasted a few days and then I touched him with hope.
John had an experience that did not feel like a dream. He sensed he was a light falling down a tunnel. John called My Name, Jesus, and he awoke with hope. For he knew I had heard him. From that point on John would grow in hope.


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